
Cheap China Tours: Hangzhou Promotes Tour

Lake Success inscription, Hangzhou to build an international tourism destination brand image of the best "hot marketing event." Hangzhou Tourism Committee after a thorough pre-launch preparations in the first year of television, print, online and other international media promotion work.

Television media, the BBC on June 26th minutes early, middle and late rounds of broadcast four times daily 15 second "Hangzhou West Lake - the latest world cheap China tours heritage" tourist image of the commercials. July 1, the U.S. professional sports channel ESPN, Fox News Fox News Channel, MSMBC Topics NBC Channel, Discovery Channel discovery Discovery Channel, CNN news channel, CNBC financial news channel NBC, Travel Channel Travel Channel, Court TV / True TV Self-channel, Animal Plant Animal Planet channel, TSB Super Station Super Channel Ten Channel and ICN that its 16 channels, will broadcast commercials in Hangzhou, following the increase in "West Lake in Hangzhou, China has been inscribed on the World Heritage List" rolling subtitles. CCTV 4 sets of "Across China" column in the next day by Lake inscription six-episode television series broadcast on "World Cultural Heritage - West Lake" from the landscape, history, Buddhism, tea, writers, food six mining West Lake culture.

Print publicity, June 25, "China News Weekly", "Phoenix Magazine" published "World Cultural Heritage - West Lake" graphic Zhuanban. "Shanghai Daily" West World Heritage news release, and production of "World Heritage • Lake" special issue. Hangzhou local foreign media such as English-language  cheap tours to China newspaper "Hangzhou Weekly" (Hangzhou Weekly) published full-page feature on the 25th. "Shanghai Daily" published "Lake inscription" tour interview. June 17, "China Tourism News" published in special leaflets. July 15, Japanese magazine "Taste Hangzhou" (bimonthly) published eight full-page long feature. The latter part of plans to "National Geographic Traveler" magazine published full-page advertisement.For more information, please shift to China Travel Service

